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EN : Using Deploy Console : Home : User Management
User Management
You can add users, invite them to use the Deploy console, and perform multiple user related administrative tasks.
Click on the User Profile icon displayed at the top of Deploy console and click User Management.
Configuration for SAML must be done in two places: at the Identity Provider (IdP) and at the Service Provider (SP). Refer to SAML Configuration for more details.
Active Directory
Click Active Directory to integrate your organization's Active Directory domain for provisioning Deploy access.
Step 1: Install AD Connector
Download and install the AD Connector utility on a domain computer that is always online to facilitate AD authentication.
Install, uninstall, or update the AD Connector on a single computer by clicking on the name of the computer, or using CTRL+CLICK or SHIFT+CLICK (CMD+CLICK for Mac) to select multiple computers and then clicking the Install, Uninstall, or Update button.
Alternatively, you can manually download and install the AD Connector utility on a domain computer that is always online to facilitate AD authentication.
Step 2: Connectors Detected
The Connectors Detected page displays the domains detected by the Active Directory Connector. If a domain is not in the list, you will need to install the AD Connector utility on a computer in that domain.
Select a single computer by clicking on the name of the computer and then clicking the Delete button.
Step 3: Add Users/Groups
The Add Users/Groups page displays the users and groups that have been added via AD.
Click Add User to Add users via AD.
Click Add Group to Add groups/OU via AD.
Add User or Groups/Organization Units (OU)
You can add users via email or AD, or add groups/OUs via AD.
Add users via email
Complete the following steps to add users via email:
1. Click Add > User via Email. This will call up the Action Toolbar.
2. Fill in the Full Name and Email fields.
3. Select the permission to be assigned for the user.
> Super Administrator – has access to all sites and all actions within Deploy.
> Administrator – has access to certain sites and actions within those sites.
> Remote Support – performs computer management through RDP or VNC.
4. Click Submit.
Add users via AD
Complete the following steps to add Active Directory users:
1. Click Add > User via AD.
2. In the Add Users via AD dialog, select the Domain. Enter the user name in the search box and click Search.
3. Select the user and click Next.
4. Configure the permission for the user:
> Super Administrator
> Administrator
> Remote Support
5. Select the Site.
6. Specify the tags.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Add.
When an Active Directory user logs on to Deploy, they must enter the user name, password and Domain Identifier. The Domain Identifier is sent to the user via email once the account is created in Deploy.
Add groups/OU via AD
Adding an Active Directory Group / Organizational Unit gives the flexibility to assign permissions directly to a group of users. Different user groups can be assigned different permissions as per your requirement.
Complete the following steps to add Active Directory groups/ Organizational Units:
To add groups/OU via AD:
1. Click Add > Group via AD.
2. In the Add Groups/OU via AD dialog, select the Domain. Enter the name of the group in the search box and click Search.
The Organizational Unit on this dialog represents a group of users.
3. Select the group and click Next.
4. Configure the permission for the group:
> Super Administrator
> Administrator
> Remote Support
5. Select the Site.
6. Specify the tags.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Add.
When a user belonging to an Active Directory Group logs on for the first time, the user is created in Deploy.
An Active Directory user belonging to a particular group inherits the permission of the group. The Inherit AD Group Permissions and Sites settings checkbox is automatically selected. If this checkbox is cleared manually, the user will not inherit Active Directory group permissions. The user will then be converted to a individual Active Directory user.
If the Active Directory user is part of two groups with higher and lower permission, the user will inherit the lower permissions.
An Active Directory user belonging to multiple groups will be able to access the Deploy Sites belonging to the group with lower permission.
Edit User
To edit users:
1. Select a user to call up the Action Toolbar.
2. Edit the Full Name and Permission rights if needed.
3. Click on any of the following More Actions:
> Send Invite Email – Send an Invite Email containing a link to Deploy Users inviting them to log on to Deploy.
> Send Password Reset Email – Send an email with the request to reset password.
> Clone User
> Delete User
4. Click Submit when done.