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Images are discrete files containing a compressed set of information such as system files, applications, data, settings, and properties captured from a reference machine.
The Images tab provides a list of available Images and information for each image such as the Image Name, Description, OS, Architecture, Type, Expanded Size, File Size, the date the image was Created On, and the Imaging Server where the image has been added.
Expanded size displays the real size of image that will be transferred to the computer.
File size displays the compressed size of the Image in the Imaging Server.
File Size will not show if the server is configured with WDS.
Add Images through Deploy Imaging Server installed in your local network or through Capture Images on the Console.
There are 2 types of images:
Install image – ISO images extracted through the Deploy Imaging Server.
Captured image – Images of selected computers captured through the Cloud via the Capture Image page.
Delete Images by clicking the delete icon on the top right of the Images tab.