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Winget apps
The Windows Package Manager (also known as winget) is a command-line-based package manager that allows you to quickly find, download, install, upgrade, uninstall and configure applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. You can use the winget tool to install and manage applications available from the Winget Store.
Add Winget Apps
To add winget apps, click then select Add Winget Apps.
This page displays the list of apps that are available from the Winget Store as well as the details for each app.
To search for apps, enter a parameter in the Search field.
Select an app to display more details including Description, Supported Architectures, and Supported Locales.
You can only select one app at a time.
Click Advanced to configure the following settings:
Run As – Run the app as System Account user.
Install Command Line – Specify the command line for the installation. Where available you can select the version of the app to be installed from the drop-down.
Update Command Line – Specify the command line for upgrading the app to the preferred versions. Where available, you can select the version from the drop-down to the version to be upgraded.
Uninstall Command Line – Specify the command line for uninstalling the app.
Install Timeout – select the timeout in minutes, up to a maximum of 180 minutes. Deploy will stop trying to install after the specified duration.
Click Save to Grid. The winget app will be added to the list of applications under the Winget Apps column in the Applications page.