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The Tickets page displays submitted tickets for the current Site.
This feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, go to Organization Settings and select Enable Ticketing.
Only users with Super Administrator permission right will be able to turn it on or off.
To display tickets, click and select All, Active or Closed.
The following information is displayed:
Ticket ID
Ticket Status
Assigned To
Username (Windows)
User Email
Description – Click or to view the full description and attached files (if there are any). To download the attached files, click .
Notes – Click to view and edit notes.
Date Added
Last Modified On
Last Modified By
View History
The View History page displays the history of the ticket starting from the creation date and every subsequent update. Select a ticket and click View History.
New Ticket
Complete the following steps to create a new ticket:
1. Click New Ticket.
2. Select a computer (optional).
3. Owner – Click Add and select an owner from the list, then click Assign Selected User as Owner.
4. Assigned To – Click Add and select a single or multiple users from the list, then click Assign to Selected Users.
5. Description – Enter a description for the ticket.
6. Attach File – Click Upload to attach a file. Supported file types are txt, csv, jpg, png, doc, pdf, xls, xlsx, zip up to a maximum size of 5 MB.
7. Notify User (Optional) – Enter the email of the user you wish to receive notification of the ticket.
8. Click Save.
Assign Ticket/Owner
Complete the following steps to assign a ticket:
1. Select a ticket.
2. Click Assign > Assign Ticket.
3. Select the user(s) you wish to assign to this ticket.
4. Click Assign to Selected Users.
Complete the following steps to assign an owner:
1. Select a ticket.
2. Click Assign > Assign Owner.
3. Select the user you wish to assign as owner of this ticket.
4. Click Assign Selected User as Owner.
Ticket Actions
Select a ticket and click Ticket Actions, then select whether to View Ticket, Edit Ticket or Delete Ticket.
Change the status of a single or multiple tickets by clicking on the name of a ticket or using CTRL+CLICK or SHIFT+CLICK (CMD+CLICK for Mac) to select multiple tickets. Click Ticket Actions on the top right and select Open, In Progress or Closed.
Open tickets can be changed to In Progress or Closed status.
In Progress tickets can be changed to Closed status.
Closed tickets can be changed to Open status.
When closing a ticket, you can choose to send an email to the user who submitted this ticket confirming that the ticket has been closed.
View Ticket
Complete the following steps to view a ticket:
1. Select a computer.
2. Click Ticket Actions > View Ticket.
3. Click to edit the ticket, or click Close Ticket to close the ticket.
Alternatively, double-click on a cell of the selected ticket to view the ticket details.
Edit Ticket
Complete the following steps to edit a ticket:
1. Select a computer.
2. Click Ticket Actions > Edit Ticket.
3. Edit the Status, Owner, Assigned To, and Description.
4. Attach or remove files and user.
5. Click Save.
Alternatively, double-click on a cell of the selected ticket to view the ticket details and click to edit the ticket.
Action Toolbar for Computers
To view the Action Toolbar for a computer, click on the computer name.
This option is only available for online computers.
Computer Actions – Click Remote to perform remote actions on the selected computer, Shutdown the computer, or Restart the computer.
Remote actions include:
> Log off User – This option forces users to log off during RDP/VNC remote sessions. Once you have enabled this option, you can select to warn the user before being logged off and set up to a maximum of 5 minutes to allow the user to save their current work. Otherwise, the active user will be logged off and any unsaved work will be lost.
If the computer is online, you have the option to set the schedule for Restart/Shutdown. To configure more options, click Restart or Shutdown and click Options. Refer to Schedule for more information.
> VNC Setup
VNC should be installed on the target computer as well as the computer where Deploy console is run. If VNC is not installed on the machine where Deploy console is run, you cannot connect to the targeted computer.
Complete the following steps to install and set up VNC on the target computer:
1. Click VNC or VNC Setup. You will see a list of computers without VNC on the network.
2. Select a single computer by clicking on the name of the computer. To select multiple computers, use CTRL+CLICK or SHIFT+CLICK (CMD+CLICK for Mac). To select all computers, click Select All Computers.
3. Click Next.
4. Enter a password then click Setup. This will install VNC on the target computer.
When the target computer you are connecting to is active and currently logged on, the user will be prompted to approve the request to connect. When there is no response to the request to connect within 60 seconds, the request is denied.
When the target computer is logged on but locked, the request to connect is automatically allowed.
5. Click OK to complete the setup for remote connection.
VNC is now set up.
> View Screen – Click to view the screen(s) of the selected computer. If there are multiple monitors attached to the computer, select to view any monitor (1 or 2) or all monitors. You can also set to refresh the view every X seconds.
Ticket Actions – Click to change the ticket status (Open, In Progress or Closed)